Monday 18 March 2013

Edited photos for school newsletter

Below are some photos that I believe are the better shots from my photo shoot and so may be used within my school newsletter. Even though some shots turned out better than others, there were a few that still required slight editing, which I did through Adobe Photoshop. The originals have been included as a source of comparison to the edited versions.

The editing to this shot was very minimal, with just a slight adjustment made to the contrast levels to make to the colours in the photo a little more prominent.

This is a photo of the D-Building, which has only recently been constructed. I found the raw image to be somewhat off level, and their where shadows on the ground as it was a bright day. Ergo, I straightened the image and made the shadows less prominent.

With this shot, the edit is quite clear. As the lighting was really quite bad in the room that we used, I increased the brightness, substantially improving the photo, and making the board contents more visible. Any other photos that may be used within my school newsletter, either did not require any editing or simply needed to be cropped to the appropriate size for their position within the newsletter.

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