Friday 12 April 2013

Magazine Photo Shoot

Prior to the main shoot of my magazine, I took photographs of some of a friend's Vinyl collection, these will likely be featured on the contents page as a competition or giveaway in the magazine.

Around 10 days prior to the main shooting day, I arranged with the owners of Sound Affects music shop in Ormskirk, use of the premises, in particular their recently built recording studio. This would allow me to take appropriate photographs for the pretense of the featured 'band' creating their 'new album' that shall feature as my double page spread. I ensured that all of the participants were available on the agreed date, and that I had access to or possession of appropriate props and outfits, as well as a list of ideas that of what sort of pictures I wanted. One of the participants is a photography student and so allowed me to use his DSLR camera for the photo shoot, meaning that I could achieve higher levels of quality for my images. In total I took 221 photographs, as this would give a broad range to choose from, and I had to make the most of the time I had on location.

Although there were many pictures that had insufficient lighting, came out blurred or other defects, there are several that I believe have turned out very well and should fit perfectly into my magazine. There were some issues with lighting in the studio, as it wasn't as bright as I would have liked it to be, and some limitations arose when trying to focus the camera from the control room looking into the studio. However these were only minor, and can mostly be overcome in the editing process using Photoshop. On the whole, my participants and I enjoyed the shoot, with it proving quite effective with some very pleasing results.

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