Monday 11 February 2013

Ideology - Preliminary Task

Ideology is a philosophy and set of beliefs about an idea or behind a media text. When creating my school newsletter I will have to consider the ideology that it to display through the images, text, fonts and colours etc that are included to ensure that I successfully reach my target audience and display the correct messages.

One of the first ideologies for my newsletter is that 'Deyes high cares for it's students and their right to feel safe within their learning environment'. To display this in my newsletter, i have decided that i shall use images such as a student happily talking to a member of staff, or a student is content in studying within school. I could also display this ideology through a quote from either a student or the head teacher of Deyes in relation to the importance the students, their studies and their safety. 

Another ideology that i shall include in my newsletter is that 'Deyes High takes pride in the subjects that are taught and the quality of teaching that is recieved'. For this ideology, I could include an image of a science experiment (as Deyes High is a specialist science college) or one of a teacher giving a thorough presentation to their class. In relation to the text, i may include a quote of results from some of the sciences, or a quote from a student portraying how they have benefited from the high standard of teaching. 

In addition, I shall portray that 'Acedemic Acheivement  is important to both students and staff at Deyes'. To include this in my newsletter, I may use a picture of students with their successful exam results and/ or a peice of text that talks about the success of both past and current students of Deyes. This could include results from past years.

Another ideology is that 'Deyes High promotes a healthy and active lifestyle'. The images i may include to portray this shall be of the extra-curriculum activities available at Deyes, or even of the canteen shown to be clean and hygenic to tie in with 'health eating'. Text could be included about the acheivemnets of the clubs that students attend.

Finally, my last ideology is 'Deyes High is a modern school, which utilises the latest technology to enhance learning'. I will show this through a picture of the recently built 'Deyes' building, the newly obtained iPads or an image of the iMacs that are used by students for subjects such as media.

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